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Packing My Bags

This is my first foray into blog writing but after getting asked a lot over Christmas about my upcoming trip to Kenya, I thought it could be of interest to some. If it's not, then at least it will keep me sane while in a pretty remote part of the world. A friend of mine, tongue in cheek, suggested that he thought I'd crowdfunded to go on an all expenses paid safari, so this blog is also to put that idea to bed!

So why Kenya? I was inspired by reading a few years ago a book by Adharanand Finn called 'Running With The Kenyans'. He explores the amazing success of a small group of Kenyan athletes trained by Brother O'Connell, an Irish missionary who began training athletes at St Patrick's School, Iten, in the 70s. It's a brilliant book, and even better story. There are many reasons why Kenyan's produce such great athlete's but a primary reason for a non- Kenyan to go there is the higher altitude. Without delving deep into the science, the altitude stimulates red blood cells which are a key endurance asset and something that will help throughout the 2017 season.

I feel remarkably organised. This is due to the excellent advice received from friends who've already been out to Iten, my base for six weeks from the 31st January. I've booked Lorna Kiplogat's High Altitude Training Centre with full bed and board, flights from Heathrow to Nairobi and transfer flight to Eldoret and bus to Iten. I've had my injections (including required Yellow Fever) and I have a Revolut money card which offers great exchange rates (interbank). If anyone has any advice - books to take, places to visit etc... feel free to leave a comment.

Finally, I'm so grateful for the support I've received in getting me to this point from everyone who pledged money on my crowdfunding page. My ultimate goal is to run the London Marathon in a half decent time and have fun!

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